NEW Book — Children's Stories from The Village Shepherd, Vol. III
Novel — Babes and Sucklings
NEW Novel — Vengeance Lies In Wait
Children's Stories from The Village Shepherd,
Vol. II
Novel — Heaven Spent
Book — Children's Stories from
The Village Shepherd
Village Shepherd

Children's Stories from The Village Shepherd, Volume III

Release date: December 2013
Publisher: CSS Publishing Co.
EAN: 978-0-7880-2764-2
Price: £9.99 (UK) $15.95 (US)

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My aim has been to present Christian thoughts and themes in a way that is accessible to adults and children, and to stimulate some thought about the deeper issues of life. I also want to present some of those issues, which can seem trivial to adults but matter to children, in a positive light, showing that the God within us all, displayed so very clearly in Jesus Christ, still can and does help us in our lives today. My prayer is that you and your younger people enjoy these stories and that they encourage you to think about and engage with the God who is deep within you.
-- from the Foreword

This third volume of stories from "The Village Shepherd" is a way to captivate readers while revealing deep truths of the Christian faith. Like the first two volumes, this collection of stories evokes laughter while others bring tears, but each will leave the reader better for the experience. For those who follow the liturgical calendar, this book follows the gospel readings used in Cycle A of the Revised Common Lectionary and includes a scripture index and lectionary index.

Click here to download an extract from Children's Stories, Volume III.